Monday, March 11, 2019

Acknowledgment of the Land

Every Monday morning students at Ron Southern stand to pay respectful attention to our National Anthem and an Acknowledgment of the Land. This Acknowledgment is extremely important as we pay our respect to the First Nations people who are part of Treaty 7. One of the things we acknowledge is the traditions and oral practices of the Treaty 7 Nations. In Grade 1 we are showing our respect and appreciation of their oral traditions by creating our own Talking Circles on Monday and Fridays. Our classes split off into their respective sides and students are given a talk stick (or feather) and are able to share their thoughts, feelings, or a quick story about something they have done.

Talking Circles first originated with First Nations as a process that would ensure all leaders in a tribal council were heard, and that those who were speaking we not interrupted by others in attendance. The Chief typically initiates the conversation and those that speak after would be responding and sharing their perceptions and opinions. By implementing this practice in our classroom we are encouraging an open dialogue that is respectful, safe and open. The quiet energy that is created from this approach of sharing provides students with a sense of connectedness that is not always present in the common methods of communication. When we give each student a chance to speak just as the First Nations council would do then all voices are heard in an attentive way leading to the learning atmosphere becomes a rich source of information, identity and interaction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Taste Testing

Good Afternoon Families,

We are going to be investigating our final sense; taste. We will be bringing in different foods for students to try. There will be four different foods that students will try and will then guess what they are and explain what they felt when eating the food.

If there allergies that we should be aware of please let your child's teacher know:

We will be doing this testing on Thursday or Friday of this week.


Miss. Siegfried and Miss. Tennis

Friday, March 1, 2019

Pink Shirt Day

This week we celebrated the annual Pink Shirt. The story behind this day is meaningful and inspirational to people of all ages. We were so excited to see so many people not just in Grade 1 but in all of Ron Southern get dressed up in their best pink shirts and outfits to bring awareness to such an important cause...

Pink Shirt Day was started in Canada after a boy was bullied for deciding to wear a pink shirt to school. To watch the full story that we shared with students follow this link:

Global News interviewed Constable Tad Milmine who spends a lot of time in schools raising awareness for bullying about the continued importance of this day

As a class we spent a portion of our morning talking about what it means to bully someone and be bullied. We shared strategies that we have used as a class to help us when someone isn't being kind to us as well as new strategies that we could try. One of those strategies is called "IMATT"

Pink Shirt Day is a great way to begin the conversation of bullying with children and it is so important that we continue to talk about it with children to ensure they are feeling safe and being good friends to everyone around them.