Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Fairy Tale Fun

Over the last couple of weeks we have been studying Fairy Tales in our Literacy classes. By studying this genre of writing we are exposing students to the diversity of literature and cultures as we read Fairy Tales from all over the world. Fairy Tales, Fables, Folk Tales, and Trickster oral story telling all have a common theme so important for students to learn. They convey messages of overcoming adversity, doing our best, being courageous and the ever important good vs. evil and right vs. wrong.

Students have read Jack and the Bean Stalk and learned to identify the problem and solution. We even had a visit from the Giant who left us with a Math activity comparing sizes!

We continued to learn more about re-telling stories by identifying the key elements of a fairy tale "Characters" "Setting" "Problem" and "Solution". Students were able to make inferences about Hansel and Gretel from prior fairy tale knowledge. For example, they realized the step mom and the witch were most likely the same person since there is normally only one villain and the step mom disappeared after the witch was pushed into the oven! 

Using our advanced knowledge of Fairy Tales students are now exploring Fractured Fairy Tales by studying stories such as Goldi Locks and the Three Bears. We are learning how one story can be written so many different ways depending on the voice that you give it. We are learning why this is important and how we can add our voice into our own writing. 

Over the next couple of weeks we will continue to explore Fairy Tales. We can't wait to share more of  this fun unit with our families!

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